糖浆系列 OKU糖浆由药用历史悠久的新西兰本土植物,糅合被证实有效的西方草药,混合调配而成。 糖浆系列由纯天然原材料制作,不含任何人工甜味剂、色素或香精,1岁及以上儿童即可服用。其中所采用的植物原料为新西兰本土种植,或者获得有机认证。 成人清肺润喉糖浆选用新西兰野生手作本土草药,包括常用于清肺、畅通气管的kumarahou。纯天然原材料制作,不含人工甜味剂、色素及香精。独特配方,对呼吸道的干湿性疾病滋扰皆有舒缓功效。全效草药成分,适合1岁或以上儿童服用。点击 这里 了解成人与儿童糖浆配方的区别功效巩固呼吸及免疫系统冬季必备 购买 儿童清肺润喉糖浆儿童配方含有成人版清肺润喉糖浆中的四种主要新西兰本土草药成分,基底配方及草药比例略有不同,口味适中,儿童更易接受。它结合了成人配方中应对呼吸道干湿性疾病的有效成分,并加入了Akeake,能够调节体温。1岁及以上儿童均可服用。点击 这里 了解成人与儿童糖浆配方的区别功效巩固呼吸及免疫系统促进儿童健康冬季必备 购买 免疫强化糖浆OKU免疫强化精华液,集合多种对增强人体免疫系统防御力有显著功效的旗舰级草药及营养营养成分,其中包括新西兰本土草药Kawakawa和麦卢卡,以及西方传统药材橄榄叶和紫锥菊;在此基础上,加入rewarewa蜂蜜、接骨木花果精华、对增强免疫力有关键作用的维生素C及锌。1岁及以上儿童均可服用。功效巩固呼吸及免疫系统维持体力及整体健康促进儿童健康冬季必备 SHOP “Last year I had a severe bout of pneumonia which ended with a cough. Upon taking the first 5ml spoonful in warm water, my coughing fits were less prolonged and I slept all night. The natural herbs instantly soothed the cough centre. My husband has had similar results this year. What I love about OKU is that it is natural, there are no toxic chemicals in this product." — TL “For about 9 months I wasn't allowed to give blood plasma because my haemoglobin was every time to low. Now I'm drinking the Pure Kawakawa tea for 2 months and last month my Hb was high enough. I think the tea helped me a lot. I order more tea and try the other ones too.” — LL “Just received the Manuka & Kawakawa Tea. Instantly recreated the feeling of our honeymoon trip through NZ 15 years ago.” — BL - Switzerland 茶叶系列 糖浆系列 护肤系列 礼盒套装